Being Adaptable As An Entrepreneur In Any Economy With Patrick Precourt
Every entrepreneur is afraid of the word “recession” because they fear uncertainty. Instead of being adaptable, they become afraid to take opportunities. They believe that if they take a risk and fail, they are left in the water. That is the wrong mindset to have. Whatever you believe in will reflect in your behavior. So change your beliefs, take risks, and deal with whatever pain comes. Pain is the universe’s greatest instructor in life. Join Julie Houston as she talks to the Director of Inspiration at Precourt Enterprises, Patrick Precourt about why entrepreneurs shouldn’t be afraid of the future of the economy. Learn how to reflect on pain and how to change your beliefs if something isn’t working. Start thriving in today’s economy!
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Being Adaptable As An Entrepreneur In Any Economy With Patrick Precourt
I’m very excited that we were with Pat Precourt. Pat, welcome to the show.
Thank you. I’ve been looking forward to doing this with you, Julie. I’m honored to be here. I’m honored to be here with your audience. Let’s get into it. Let’s have a good fun.
I’m so excited. Why don’t we start off? Can you give a little bit about your background, what you do, and what you focus on?
In my state, I put myself in a space of a behavioral expert. I focus on altering human behavior, changing our habits in life to get certain results, and the results you have gotten in life. I don’t care if it’s their health, wealth, relationships or impact. It doesn’t matter. That’s where I lean into. To get there, came a long journey. I’ve been a real estate investor since the late ‘90S, and real estate education since the mid-2000s. In that process, I was part of a very big company that serviced thousands of clients in real estate investment education.
It was in that time that I had this coming to Jesus moment of no matter how good our information is and our process and system execute, only very few people get the results that we say they can get. What’s happening? I started out on this journey of understanding why some people do and why some people don’t. At the same time, I was studying how to recover a damaged brain. I played fifteen years of rugby. I have to play the last six of those internationally.
It resulted in a lot of bad concussions. At the time, in the ‘80s and ‘90s, even into the early 2000s, there wasn’t so much concern about concussions. If you’re still walking, get back out on a pitch. That’s how we dealt with it. We got right back at it and it resulted in genuine brain damage. Parts of my brain were shut down due to physical damage.
That had turned into memory loss issues, foggy brain issues, and even behavioral issues. I started down the path. Simultaneously, I was studying how to get some of that back. How do you fix that? In the last twenty years, the science around how the brain operates has changed tremendously. Way back when, we believe that your IQ, you’re born with it and you couldn’t change that. We now know that’s not true. We now know our mind can heal our physical brain. The plasticity of our brain is shocking, and how it can be cultured and shaped like clay almost. It’s crazy.
Going down that journey, I crossed paths with why people do or don’t do what they want to do. That narrowed me down to like, “Let’s focus on this human behavior stuff.” I tied it all into entrepreneurialism. I tied into the challenges that we have as entrepreneurs, everything from the space of emotional intelligence, which is acknowledging and understanding how your emotions affect your decision-making and therefore, your actions and your results in life. All the way down to some of the paradigms around fear, failure and pain that we’ve been brought up with that are flat out wrong. We’re putting it all together and here we are.

I love it. I didn’t know that much about your background and the injuries. That’s incredible. You’re a testimony and a living proof of that.
I still do. I got a schedule to see the progress of what’s working and what’s not between diet, physical activity, and brain workouts. You put your mind through to operate the brain. You can change. You can reformat your physical brain. It’s crazy stuff in the world. I’ve just scratched the surface of understanding it. I’m not a brain surgeon or a neurosurgeon in any way, shape or form. I learn what I have to learn to help me along the way here, but it’s endless the power of the mind in culturing the brain. It’s crazy.
I would agree. You have decades of experience. You’ve been through many market cycles. In your business, are you having success in finding solutions with your clients and the people that you’re working with in the market now?
My typical clientele is entrepreneurs that are a little further along because they’ve been through some bumps. They’ve been knocked down, got up and got down. They want to continue moving along the journey. A lot of them are in real estate and investment space. My background is in real estate. I’ll forever be in real estate investment. We find ourselves now back in another recession. We haven’t experienced much of a recession since 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 in our business. All we did exclusively in that period of time was short sales.
We started short sales in 2002. We were in it long before the buzzword came up. It played right into our wheelhouse like, “We’ve been waiting for you. Here we are,” but now is a little different. The word recession gets thrown around a lot. We won’t technically know that we’re in a recession yet, but I think it’s commonly understood that we are. The word recession is a trigger for people. It’s followed by fear but there’s trouble on the horizon.
That’s what the word recession means to a lot of people. Even seasoned entrepreneurs hear recession, trouble, fear, pain, contract, draw-back, and all of these things that a lot of them are having at a subconscious level. We find ourselves not going all-in and not taking advantage of these new opportunities that are coming to us.
I refer to this moment of time that we’re in now as the slack tide of a recession. What that means is when tides come in and out, an hour before high tide, the water is at the exact same level as it is an hour after high tide. From the casual observer, which is most people and the outside looking in, it looks the same. It’s identical. Nothing has changed. In that last hour, before high tide and an hour after high tide, there’s not a lot happening on the outside. It all looks and feels the same. That’s where we are.
However, underneath, a lot has already changed. The tide was coming in. It was flooding in. We call it a flood tide. Now, it’s ebbing back out. It’s going back out to sea. A lot has already changed. Our economy was growing. Now it’s contracting. A lot has changed, but because things are seemingly at the same level, we haven’t experienced what’s happening. That’s where we are. As real estate investors, and I know a lot of your audience are real estate investors, consumers are on the outside looking in.
Society needs leaders, and people can't lead if they're letting someone else's fear tactics lead them. Click To TweetThey still think their house is worth this way up there because they haven’t experienced the change yet. This is where I sit as investors, leaders and entrepreneurs, we got to be a little patient. We got to pause through this moment of time and let it play out because things are going to change, and they can change pretty quickly. In our environment, we’ve got another threat and it’s a legitimate threat coming in. We have the influence of politics and elections coming up in November.
For each party, there has never been so much on the line as what we are going to see in this November election. Controlling the House and the Senate for the Republicans or losing control to the Democrats, they have so much on the line because it will dictate the efficacy and the efficiency of the entire presidency playing out in the next two years. This one is loaded. Unfortunately, the politicians only have one manipulative tool left and it’s fear. They’ve thrown everything out at us and we’ve gotten through it.
Now, all they can do is drive the fear deeper and deeper. It’s both sides. I’m not picking a side here. They are both equally guilty. They do it at the demise of our society. They don’t care about the leftover damage. They care if they win or not. That’s it. We have that coming at us too. With my clients, the messaging that exists is, “Shut it down. Stay away from the inevitable messaging that’s coming from them. It’s not healthy. Shut off all the news channels. Ride this one out. Ignore that there are elections going on. They’re 100% irrelevant to us.” Society needs leaders now. We can’t lead if we’re letting someone else’s fear tactics lead us.
Our emotions are so influential on the way we think, on our decision-making, our actions, and our results. When we let someone else manipulate those emotions, we’re giving up the reins. We’re saying, “You’re in control of me. I’m no longer in control of me.” I couldn’t emphasize how important this is to any business owner, to any mom or dad, to any influential person on social media or to anyone who considers themselves a leader in any way, shape or form. In this part, we’ve got a reel in.
I’m not saying that we all have the right decisions but we do have our own decisions, so let’s own them. I’m not saying you have to know everything. You don’t and you will make some wrong decisions just like I did. I make wrong decisions every day. Ask my wife and she’ll tell you. That’s okay, but I would rather you make the decision than someone else will make the decision for you.
What are some challenges with your current clients that you’re working with? Are you finding that their mindset is stuck with what’s going on in the world? Do you feel that they’re opening up to being an entrepreneur that they’re supposed to be based on following the guidelines and processes that you implement?
Here’s the challenge that I see. I’m glad you asked that question because it brings up a good talking point here. A lot of the people I work with will invest in this stuff for ten years, twelve years or less, which is a long career already. Guess what? They weren’t around in 2008, or they survived 2008 and rebuilt them. We all have an emotional stamp and impact from what that was like.
Now, recession triggers trouble and fear back to 2008. The challenge with that is we have entrepreneurs that have been very successful for the past ten years but now, are starting to operate out of a position of fear, scarcity and doubt. You bring up the word mindset, which is good because some people referred to me as the mindset guy. I don’t accept that because that’s not what I do. I don’t change my mindset.

Here’s why. I don’t know if you’ve noticed this but in the last few years, it seems like every guru on the internet is out like a mindset guy in some way, shape or form. Everybody is like, “Mindset,” which is fine and I get it. No harm in that, but here’s the truth though. You can’t change your mindset. Stay with me on this. I know some people are like, “What?” Look at the name of it. Your mind is set. You don’t change it.believe you could something, your behavior will reflect that.
Mindset is a lag indicator of our belief system. In other words, if you believe you can, your mindset will reflect that in a positive way like, “I got it.” If you believe you can’t, your mindset will reflect that like, “I got no chance.” Henry Ford said that whether you believe you can or you believe you can’t, either way, you are correct. Your mindset will reflect that belief system.
When we are struggling on the outside or when we’re doubting our own success or something along those lines, we can’t just acclimate our way through that or vision board our way over the top of that. We’ve got to figure out what belief is holding us back. What part of this do I not believe in? I’ll give you an example. People set goals all the time, which is awesome. We should all be setting goals.
Oftentimes, we fall prey to that guru thing. A big, hairy, audacious goal is good, “I’m going to make $10 million this year, and I’ve never earned more than $200,000.” That’s probably not likely. Most importantly, you likely don’t believe you can. We set a goal that we don’t believe we can achieve. If we don’t believe we can do it, we won’t even take the consistent behavior or actions required to do it. We’re dead in the water. It’s not possible.
Do you feel habits play a big role in that too?
Habits are simply all of our results. Life is simply a reflection of our habits. Habits are repeated behavior that happened out of the subconscious and were wired already into us. We keep doing the same things over and over again, and we get results out of that. In order to change those results, we got to come all the way back here. We have to change our habits.
Going back to the goal and belief part, if our beliefs are not in alignment with our outcomes, results or goals that we want to achieve, we can’t achieve them. Should I make smaller goals? My answer to that would be no. It sounds a little conflicting but watch this. I’ll share this example. We own a gym here in my hometown called the Cage. It’s a lifestyle fitness center but also has a heart culture of martial arts. We do Jiu-jitsu, Muay Thai, MMA, and all that stuff. There’s a whole backstory around that. I had my first cage match when I was 42 years old. That’s a whole other story.
I didn’t know this.
You can't change your mindset. Your mind is already set. It's a lag indicator of your belief system. Click To TweetThat’s a whole other thing. I then had the gym and all this other stuff. We’ll table that one for a second. This is a different story. This is about a gentleman who came into our gym a few years ago. I don’t work operationally in our gym. I’m not a personal trainer. I’m not a nutritionist or anything like that. I just think that gym is cool. That’s my attachment to it. At the time, I was into MMA and it made sense to have our own gym.
The guy comes into our gym. We’re a lifestyle fitness center with the heart culture of martial arts. We do yoga and we do our version of CrossFit. We’re heavy into strength training. We have a strong man workout room for men and women, lifting concrete balls and all that stuff. He comes in and talks to everyone. He says, “I want to be able to run a 5K in six months.” The challenge is he is about 40 years old and has not done anything since high school, way overweight like 330 to350 pounds, something crazy like that. He’s generally unfit and unsafe to be running, but he wants to do it.
Our trainer brought him, but after about a week, he give me a call. He wants me to talk to this guy. We’ll call him Jim. I don’t remember his name. He wasn’t getting anywhere. We sat him down and talked to him. I asked him what he wants to do. He said, “I want to run this 5K in six months.” That’s a goal. I asked him why he want to run the 5K. This part is important because this is where we get the juice to do the hard work when we attach meaning to the goal.
He said, “It’s my wife’s charity that she runs or operates. I want to be there to genuinely support her by being able to run this 5K with her.” I said, “Awesome.” Now I know what fires him. I know where the passion is here. I said, “I got one more question for you, Jim, ” but before I got to that question, I go, “What have you tried so far?” You get the regular answer, “I’ve tried everything and nothing has worked.”
I then asked him a question. This is the one we always got to ask ourselves and be honest about because we lie to ourselves regularly. This one matters. I asked him straight up, “Jim, just blurt it right out of your mouth. Do you believe you’re going to be able to run 5K in six months?” He goes, “No.” Henry Ford said, “Whether you believe you can or you believe you can’t, either way, you’re 100% correct.” The challenge with Jim up until now is that he had set these goals. He tried everything, but nothing works because Jim wasn’t working. He didn’t believe he could do it, therefore, his behavior will reflect that. When the way you think and feel is congruent with your actions, you’re dead in the water.
I said, “Jim, I have a couple of things here. Number one, I need you to trust me.” We already had a guy thing going on. “I promise you, if you do exactly as I say, you will run a 5k within six months but you got to trust the process. The other thing I’ll tell you. I’ll never give you something that you can’t do or that’s going to harm you.” I’m giving him some anchors to lean back into when I start challenging him.
1) We will succeed. 2) He will be able to do whatever I give him. That is going to overcome some of his limiting beliefs, and 3) He won’t be harmed along the way. All we did to start out, in the first week, “Jim, for the next five days, I want you to get up. I want you to walk 1 mile a day for five days and check in when you’ve done that.” “What’s the rest of the plan?” “Don’t worry about the plan. That’s it.” What I’m doing here is I’m building a ladder to the goal that right now is above the cloud line. He can’t see it, feel it and taste it. It’s not real to him.
I’m putting rungs on a ladder and I’m getting him to focus on just the next rung. What happens in our psychology is as we achieve each rung, we’re establishing a level of confidence back in ourselves. We believe back in ourselves. Now, we don’t have to believe in the end goal. We just have to believe that we can achieve the next rung. As we go, we build momentum and we build energy. We’re about halfway through this process and he was still struggling physically but he told me, he now believes he can do it, and we’re only about halfway through.

Somewhere in the fifth month, he was able to run it. I’ll be slow, so the next month we try to speed up a little bit but we didn’t have time. Nobody gave me a time like, “You got to run in a certain amount of minutes.” He accomplished it and he did his 5k. He fulfilled it. I didn’t focus on his mindset, body, diet or anything. Granted the trainers gave him things to do. I focused on changing his belief and identified the one that was holding him back. The takeaway here is I’m okay with big, hairy, audacious goals but when there’s a breach in what we believe to be true and whether or not we can do it, that’s okay. We don’t have to reduce the goal but we got to put rungs on a ladder and build up our right to believe in the end results that we want.
I love that analogy too with the ladder. It puts things in perspective when you break it down step by step.
Don’t worry about what’s after that, just focus on the next. Here’s the funny thing that happens in our minds. When you get near that rung, you’re already looking for the next one. “Pat, what are we doing next week?” “Don’t worry about next week. We’ll get there.” Because he already knows he got this one, his mind is on to the next one. It’s a cool process. I don’t know what got us into that but I had to bring that up.
He ran the 5k though too. That’s a huge accomplishment for a lot of people.
We’re in an economy that’s changing and evolving. We already talked a little bit about emotions and how important controlling emotions are, recognizing our emotions, and what they trigger. Moments ago, we made the connection between thinking and feeling, and feeling and thinking. Let me share this thought on this.
Every thought we have automatically has emotion in the subconscious waiting on it. The second you think it, you rip it out of the subconscious. You bring it into the conscious and now you feel what you think, and you think what you feel. They start building each other up. If I ask you, “Does the way you feel affect the way you think?” You will say, “Of course, it does.” The way you think affects the way you feel. They’re like a ping pong ball going back and forth, building each other up.
If you start out with an external trigger like a news report says, “Recession.” Recession says, “Change.” Our mind goes from good to worse, which we always think that way. We’ve already triggered a negative thought and negative emotion. That will bounce back and forth, build itself up, and cannot help but affect our actions. Now we’re letting negative thoughts and negative emotions drive our action taking. Where does that bring us? It’s not bringing us to where we want to go.
The flip side to that falls a little in the space of emotional intelligence because understanding when those thoughts are triggering bad emotions or bad emotions trigger bad thoughts, stop and pause. Let’s bring things back home here. That’s not in control of me. I’m in control of me. We can inject a new thought at any time when that’s congruent with the results that we want that then fosters emotion and feeling congruent with what we want, they will support each other and build each other up.
All fears are rooted in one thing – not knowing. If you knew, you wouldn't be afraid. Click To TweetThinking and feeling and feeling and thinking in harmony will alter the way we act. It will change our behavior, congruent with the results that we want. Now, we’re going to think, feel and act towards the outcome that we want, which means that we will manifest the results. There are no other contributing factors to the way we think, feel and act as it relates to producing the result. That’s how we bring all this stuff back in.
When you break it down that way, it makes sense. I can see those behaviors in myself and realize it too by having a conversation with you. Do you think it’s hard for people at an older age to implement these changes?
A hundred percent. Here’s why. As a child, we’re predisposed to everything new and we get excited about new. We were not indoctrinated into thinking failure was bad and pain was bad. As adults, we put meaning around failure, pain and loss. We avoid them like a plague. On top of that, our deep desire for certainty is overwhelming.
I’m glad you brought us to this spot here. Think about this, all fears are rooted in one thing. It’s simply not knowing. If we knew, we wouldn’t be afraid of it. All fears are rooted in not knowing. Everything we worry about happening in the future is because we don’t know what’s going to happen in the future. We make up an outcome that’s scary and then we worry about it. It’s the craziest thing in the world.
When we think about it, all fears are anchored in not knowing, and you pull that back to this conversation here, entrepreneurs have got a lot on their hands. They’ve got some work to do here. As things change around us as adults, it creates that world of uncertainty. If there’s anything that we want or if we had to pick one thing, it would be the desire to know or to have certainty in our life. Any element of uncertainty gets us to stop. When I say, “Julie, I need you to do this new thing,” it immediately triggers you. You’re like, “What if I lose? What if I fail? What if I get judged? There is all this other work. I can’t do it. What if somebody laughs at me?”
It’s all this stuff because it’s unknown to you, so we crawl back to our safety zone or some call it a comfort zone. Comfort is the wrong word. I don’t know where it got that label but what it should be called is a known zone. We know what’s happening in it because we’ve already experienced the same thing, which means nothing has changed. It’s not comfortable. As a matter of fact, it can be very uncomfortable to stay the same in circumstances, but discomfort is less than our perceived pain of change. Follow me on this, the scale of behavior. There’s a scale that drives human behavior like this one.
I’m going to make this super simple for everybody. If I know how to do something, I know I want it, and I know it’s good for me but I still can’t find myself doing it consistently, your scale is not weighted in the right direction. It goes like this. When the pain of staying the same is less than the perceived pain of change, we will stay the same. There’s almost nothing we can do about it. When the pain of staying the same is less than the perceived pain of change, we will stay the same.
Where we screw ourselves is on both sides of the scale. The perceived pain of change, we make the change a lot worse than it is because we play the what-if game. What if everything goes to hell? What if I lose? What if I get judged? What if I suck? What if I’m not enough? We play out a future event that has not happened yet and that we’re making up against us. It’s the craziest thing in the world.

I’ve done it.
We all. It’s human. I catch myself doing it and I know this stuff. Now the other side is pain. We’re taught from day one that pain is bad. In the Western civilization of medicine, how do we deal with pain? We immediately moved to anesthetize the symptoms of pain. We don’t treat the cause but we make the pain go away. This is an important thing about pain that I think everybody will embrace. Pain is the universe’s greatest instructor in life. It’s a gift to us. There’s no greater gift the universe has for us with more specific clarity in what we stop doing and what we should be doing than providing us with pain, mental, emotional and physical, all at three levels.
For example, you’re running or you’re off for a jog. You wobble your ankle. You damage the ligament. You tweak the ligament a little. Your pain is there immediately. You don’t even take a step so you don’t make it worse. Now if you had in your pocket a shot of cortisol, you could inject that and anesthetize the pain. You wouldn’t feel it and you could keep running. This is how people roll through life. They have genuine pain. There’s a reason why we have mental pain and emotional pain. It’s to stop. We have to pause, lean into the pain, and listen up because the instructions of what we should stop doing and what to do next, the universe is serving right up to us.
Instead, we distract it. We drink it away. We smoke it away. We Facebook it away. We’ll go out and get involved with our friends to leave this crappy part here. We don’t lean into what we’ve been looking for. It’s the craziest thing in the world. Now back to the scale, once we anesthetize the pain, the pain of staying the same gets even lighter. The perceived pain of change that we’re making up gets even heavier. We can’t change. We’re stuck and we created that whole thing. We don’t even know why we’re doing it. Does that answer your question about whether it’s harder for adults to change?
It does and I often think about that because I know sometimes, it’s hard in an older demographic to change.
Especially when you got a habit of pain avoidance. Let’s avoid anything that might be painful, which is now a function of thoughts triggered by externals. That’s already mapped out. We’ve already created this entire mapping of triggers that create these thoughts, emotions and feelings, then we’re set up. We’re done. We’re not even participating in it. It’s all done on a subconscious level.
That’s blowing me away. You’re subconsciously doing this and not even realizing it.
It’s a little subjective but 85% or more of all the decisions we make every single day are made out of our subconscious through this mapping we’re talking about. That does not involve the conscious mind. You then wonder why change is so hard. It’s because all the crap that’s happening is without our participation until we decide to participate. That’s the game-changer right there.
Pain is the universe's greatest instructor in life. Click To TweetI think it was the Second Law or Third Law way back then that said, “The body in motion will stay in motion in a straight line on the exact same trajectory until an opposing force runs into it and knocks off its trajectory.” That’s what even bringing awareness or consciousness to this conversation does to the trajectory that your subconscious and your habits. If you force yourself into consciousness, you can start altering that trajectory.
If you enable a level of accountability in your life, which is a forced altercation, accountability is not your spouse. Accountability is not your best friend or accountability buddy. Accountability is someone who’s ruthless and unempathetic to the BS stories that you tell yourself. That’s what a real accountability partner does because they’re okay with inflicting pain on you. Go back to that pain and pleasure thing.
They’ve got to make the weight of staying the same heavier than the perceived weight of change. When you’re resisting, they’ve got to load up that scale. That’s what real accountability is. Most adults are like, “That’s not for me. I would rather stay safe in my little comfort zone.” That’s true but at least acknowledge that you’re making that decision.
Just own it. This has been incredible, Patrick. I’m mind blown by what we’ve discussed. What would be 3 or 5 takeaways that you would tell our audience that they could maybe utilize or incorporate or even think about?
I’ll give you a couple of general takeaways. Number one, if we can accept that we’re exactly where we should be now based on all of our decisions leading up until now, then that gives us the power to change if we want to. If we continue to say, “It’s not my fault. It was theirs, them, the economy, the president, the dollars or a deal. That’s what got me here,” we’re giving up complete control of creating change in our lives. In order to have something that we currently don’t have, we have to do stuff that we’re not currently doing, which means we’ve got to first become someone that we’re not now. Be, do, have, that’s how those three things work together.
It doesn’t start with having. It starts with becoming. If we can appreciate that our decisions up to now brought us exactly here, we’re in the right spot. Nobody can argue that because those are the decisions we’ve made. That gives us the power to make different decisions. That would be number one. Number two would be the takeaway of how impactful messaging out here is on us if we’re not aware of it. This would be to be aware of your emotional state at all times. Protect it because how you feel affects the way you think. The way you think affects your decision-making, taking action and taking results.
If we continue to let outward messaging and outward circumstances control the way we feel, think, act, decide and result, guess what? They’re in charge of us, not us. That’s a brief statement there but that’s a big piece. Emotional intelligence is a huge piece of owning this stuff. Now, our society needs leaders to step up and leaders cannot be slapped around by emotions. They’ve got to be steady. That’s where leadership is anchored in, steady and consistent. People can lean into and rely on you to be the same again and again.
The last one relates to producing new results, setting new goals, results and outcomes like that. There’s a short little process that goes with this. Number one, you need first a vision. Before a goal, there should be a vision. The vision is the result of the result. This is where the emotion lie. This is where you find meaning. If there’s no meaning in the goal, it’s not going to happen if the goal is tough. This is the one that when you have meaning behind it, it’s going to get you to do extraordinary things at extraordinary times, which you’ll have to do to achieve your goal.

Second, once you have the vision, now build a goal underneath that. The goal is required to achieve the vision. Once you have the goals, you can build a plan to achieve each individual goal. We get very strategic but what we’re left with is an executable plan. It’s not just in our minds. It’s something we want. It’s very simple. Now we have action steps to take. We can apply time to them.
The next part is a big step. It’s something that adults suck at. You got to commit to it. What I mean by commit is whatever it takes no matter what. If you say you’re going to do it, you cannot not do it. I don’t care if it’s even costing you more to do it. It doesn’t matter. It’s everyone you commit to and everyone around you. It serves your authority when people see you do what you say and say what you do, but it serves you as a human being. When you can look in the mirror and know you can count on yourself to do what you say you’re going to do, that’s power. That’s competence. That’s something you can lean into.
The last part is accountability. Accountability is our insurance program. There’s nothing I do that’s challenging that I do not build accountability into because if it matters that much to me, I’m not going to risk relying on myself to achieve it. I’m going to make sure I got somebody outside or something outside of me that is going to lever the pain and make sure I do what I say I want to do, what I want to do or results that I know I want. I’m going to make sure this is going to happen and that’s what accountability does for this little model here.
Patrick, you’ve shared some incredible value and I want to thank you again for being on the show.
I’m happy to be here. This is a blast.
I know and we’re going to have a link for more information on what Patrick went over here. It’s going to be We’ll have all the information there. Thank you so much, Patrick, for being on the show. This was so incredible. It was an honor to have you on.
I’m honored to be here and it’s great seeing you, Ms. Julie. Thank you very much.
Thank you.